It's time to restate the main positions of this blog:
IF Atheists believe their position is based on logic and/or evidence, and is therefore rational,
THEN they should be compelled to provide the logic or evidence which supports their belief;
ELSE they are not what they claim to be.
Many Atheists now claim “not to have any god theories”, a claim which is intended to help themselves avoid having to support their own position: they know they cannot. They are, however, subject to the following:
IF creating entity theories exist, THEN either a person has heard of creating entity theories, or has not.If a person claims to be ignorant of theories of a creating entity, then he is merely asserting ignorance. And for an individual to assert ignorance of something of which he obviously is not ignorant is intentional deception, a deception which is transparent to everyone who encounters it.
IF a person has not heard of creating entity theories, THEN he likely has no such theories himself. (this is ignorance, not Atheism).
IF a person has heard of God/creating entity theories, THEN one of the following applies:
(a) He forgets them or ignores them; (recurrent ignorance)
(b) He rejects them; (Atheism)
(c) He requires more information; (Agnosticism)
(d) He accepts one of them; (Deist)
An Atheist is defined here as someone who rejects God/creating entity theories. Redefinition is seen to be transparently dishonest and an attempt to avoid intellectual responsibility for defending the Atheist worldview using actual logic and/or material empirical evidence.
Such intentional deception, especially such a transparently dishonest deflection of the person's intellectual responsibility to support his belief system with logic and/or evidence, reflects directly and immediately on that person's ability to generate trust for himself, especially in terms of honest intellectual discovery and honest intellectual discourse. And that reflects on the person’s overall honesty, too.
Under the VOID of Atheism, there are no absolutes. There is no Truth and therefore there are no lies. IF there is no Truth and there are no lies, THEN all Atheist statements are on an equal footing, first having no truth value, and second, deception having the same moral value as accurate representation.
Coupled with the relativist personal morality of each Atheist (a morality which cannot be known with any certainty by anyone else), the conflation of deception with accurate representation renders the Atheist untrustworthy, by virtue of his worldview alone.
Certainly any person can engender trust by generating a history of trustworthy behaviors, where a person's actual behaviors are compared with his professed moral beliefs. However, an Atheist has no guaranteed consistent (coherent) moral system other than that which he generates by himself for himself, a system which can be changed on a whim, a system which might well include deception as equal to accurate representation. Hence the Atheist’s behaviors cannot be compared to his moral system, and no trust can be generated.
Because Atheism is not based on Truth values, and has neither logic nor evidence in its support, it is an emotional position, not a rational position. Being an emotional position, Atheism is defended with emotional statements including moral accusations and personal attacks, rather than with logic or evidence.
When challenged to provide rational support (again, logic and evidence) for his worldview, modern Atheists tend to dive immediately into deception (e.g. "we have no god theories") rather than produce intellectually honest, disciplined deductive support for their rejectionism. When pushed beyond that, emotional attacks begin, including faux moralizing and attacks on the challenger rather than the challenger's statements.
Atheism is freedom. Freedom from everything intellectually and emotionally. When there are no absolutes, then nothing is absolutely True or valid. This is the Atheist VOID. The Atheist is perfectly free to select any position upon which to build his worldview. He is free from, and unencumbered by, external concepts of truth and falseness, right and wrong, moral and immoral, logic and fallacy. In short, the Atheist frees himself in order to indulge himself with himself. The Atheist is free to create a personal morality which is easy on himself and is compatible with his emotional bent and personal proclivities. He then is very "moral"; tautologically so since his "morality" merely describes how he already behaves.
Because Atheism is usually adopted well before the maturation of the frontal cortex is complete, the freedom of the VOID generally results in juvenile theories and behaviors becoming entrenched and cherished even into full adulthood (frontal cortex maturation is not complete in some until the age of 28).
The freedom of the VOID also enables the freedom from disciplined logic, an external control which encumbers Atheist thinking. The most common Atheist thought process appears to be rationalization, where evidence is sought which supports a preselected conclusion, and contrary information is ignored or rejected without rational reason.
Discussion with an Atheist involves an individual who cherishes his freedom of the VOID and will defend it with whatever tactic he thinks might be effective. He is not restricted by any convention external to himself such as disciplined deductive logic, nor will he recognize any actual evidence presented which is inconvenient to his position of VOIDist freedom.
Atheism seems be an analogical correlate to other dependencies in these tendencies:
1. Free use of deception and ignoring rational positions during the defense of the addiction;THE CHALLENGE
2. Rationalization of justification for the addiction;
3. Emotional aggression toward those who threaten the addiction;
4. Seeking the support and company of fellow addicts;
5. Halting of emotional development until the termination of the addiction;
6. Feeling of great need for the addiction and release when enabled by the addiction;
7. Fear of loss of self, caused by loss of the addiction;
8. Generates further issues such as codependency (victim/savior);
9. Colors relationships with others who don’t share the addiction;
10. Results in an abnormally intense focus on the self, and a weakened empathy.
Should an Atheist have a deductive argument, grounded, properly formatted and validly stated, or has a set of empirical evidence which contradicts any of the above, then that should be presented and we will discuss it.
Otherwise, in the case of emotional responses, moral objections or personal attacks, such comments will not be posted.
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