Monday, December 26, 2011

The Mind of the Evolutionist

" 'Contemporary evolutionary thinking maintains that smaller island mammals will rapidly grow larger towards the optimal size, while bigger animals will rapidly shrink.' "  Evolutionists call this Optimal Body Size Theory, or OST.  A member of a research team was interviewed about their study that "looked at a theoretical optimum body size towards which mammals are expected to grow, on both island communities and on the mainland."  " 'There is a tendency to believe that big animals become very small on islands, and small animals become very big, due to limited resources or lack of competition.  I've shown that this is just not true, at least not as a general rule.' "  "Incorporating large data sets that compared body sizes on various islands and on mainland communities, Dr. Meiri and his colleagues found no such tendency for bizarrely-sized animals to develop on islands.  'We concluded that the evolution of body sizes is as random with respect to "isolation" as on the rest of the planet.  This means that you can expect to find the same sort of patterns on islands and on the mainland.'  Dr. Meiri attributes our widely held misperceptions about 'dragons and dwarfs' to the fact that people tend to notice the extremes more if they are found on islands."  "Darwin's fascination with the Galapagos island chain... is just one example."  " 'I think it's purely a psychological bias,' Dr. Meiri concludes.  'It's just magical thinking.  Nothing more.' "-- 'Magical Thinking' About Islands an Illusion?  Biologist Refutes Conventional Thinking on Evolution. July 8, 2010. Science Daily, online news release.

"We found no support for any of the predictions of the optimal size theory."  "The concept of a single optimal body size is not supported by the data that were thought most likely to show it."  "It is remarkable that this theory fails to apply under the circumstances which best match its predictions (on islands)."-- Raia, Pasquale, Francesco Carotenuto, Shai Meiri. 2010. One size does not fit all: no evidence for an optimal body size on islands. Global Ecology and Biogeography, Vol. 19, pp. 475-484.
Evolutionists claim to rely only on natural forces, but natural forces cannot design and build new plants and animals.  So they add magical thinking, the perfect description of the evolutionist mind.

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